Thursday, 8 April 2010

Specialist Boudoir Photographer

What does being a specialist actually mean, is it that the professional only works in one area, or is it that they put more time and effort into that area. I think for me its a bit of both, I started offering this style of photography after doing a boudoir party one October evening. It was so much fun, and the thank you emails I received from the participants were overwhelming.

Its not just about researching your area, its about being able to just do it! without having to think or worry that you will get it right first time.
I can now honestly say that I dont need to know what the person looks like whos booked their session with me as I have all the poses for all ages and sizes in my head, I know as soon as they walk into my studio which lighting style I will use and what will show their body shape off to its best.
Then all is needed is that little spark of the clients personality to make that image something they will love.

The proof, as above the 'wow's' amd 'ooo's' from the client and their partners/hsubands/friends.

The only down side to the job is that I cant show you every image, that quite rightly some clients want their photos to be private.

So anyway, yes I do specialise, but I also do other styles of photography, weddings, portraits, pets, it doesnt make my technical ability any less, and I think its good to have variety, putting 110% into all my photography not just my specialty is second nature.

Also not forgetting my brilliant make up artists, who do a fantastic job, we work as a team all the time and wouldnt have it any other way. Well back to the afternoon sunshine, lets hope spring has well and truely landed.

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