Monday, 15 June 2009

Boudoir Photographer Interview Leah Stafford

Our next interviewee is boudoir & wedding
photographer from Lakemore Ohio, Leah Stafford.

Leah tell us a bit about yourself,

When I was planning my wedding in 2007 I picked up a
camera and took some pictures. Thinking nothing of it, I just kept going. It was a good hobby in the midst of wedding planning. My husband saw the images and not even a week later I had a new camera and was on my way. I started doing engagement sessions, babies and anything else I could get my hands on. I never thought it would turn into a full time career not even 6 months later.

Little did I know, 4 months later my best friend would ask me to do a session for her. I have never even dabbled into boudoir yet alone really looked at any boudoir pictures. She wanted it done for her husband overseas but I turned down the opportunity a couple times. Finally, I knew I had to give in and I am so glad I did.

Ever since then I've been traveling the US doing sessions. It's such a joy to have people who believe in you and in return I pass on the belief to my clients. Every women is sexy!

So lets start with the obvious, why Boudoir?

Honestly, when I started off doing weddings, I never thought I would be doing boudoir. Now I specialize in boudoir and it's roughly 90% of my business. I wouldn't have it any other way. Boudoir needs to spread and reach women everywhere. If I can do it one client at a time then that's the way it shall be done!

How long have you been photographing Boudoir?

January 14 2008 was the first day I ever shoot boudoir.

How would you describe your style?

Fun, sexy, timeless. I want images that won't age over time and make you think, “what was I thinking?” I love to use color opposed to dark black and whites and I love capturing details of the corset, thigh highs, etc. These are images you'll look at 40 years from now and still love!

What did you photograph before you got bitten by the boudoir bug?

I was a wedding and portrait photographer.

More about you, where did you grow up?

I was born in the Milwaukee suburbs and when I was still a baby we moved to Florida. My mom, dad and 3 siblings lived there for 7 years before going back to Wisconsin. Then 4 years ago I moved to Ohio after Eric and I dated long distance for awhile. Now, Lakemore, Ohio is our home.

Do you prefer to work in studio or location when it comes to Boudoir?

I have been doing on location boudoir for about a year now. I have done marathons in Chicago, DC, Boston, NYC, Charlotte, Orlando, San Francisco and Kansas City. With the travel comes the use of lots of hotel rooms. It's always a new challenge though because the space is never the same. Now I have a studio and it's a blast incorporating what I have learned from shooting in so many hotels. I think work in hotels can really open up your creative side though. I go into the plainest hotel room and come out with some hot images!

Boudoir photography is still in its infancy in the UK, how is it seen in the US?

We still have a long way to go here but it's definitely becoming more known. When people ask what I do, I definitely get a raised eyebrow. It's always fun explaining what boudoir entails. I think I need to carry a little album in my purse from now on....

What’s your favorite boudoir pose?

I love straight on shots. I believe that you don't need to be manipulated into some pose to look beautiful. I think the girls look the best straight on, capturing them just as they are. My 2nd favorite pose would be having them lay on their back, head tilted slightly and look straight up to the camera. It's generally not a position most women are photographed in!

Can you show us some of your recent work?

Do you have a favorite photographer living or dead?

Um many! I could never narrow it down. There are way too many that inspire me on a daily basis.

What is the best thing for you about shooting Boudoir?

The best thing about boudoir is the clients. Everyday I am blessed with a different client and a new situation. It is my job to make them comfortable and break their guard down. Sometimes it's a challenge but who doesn't love a challenge. I am given the opportunity to make women feel beautiful. How is that not the best satisfaction ever?

Does anyone or anything influence your photography?

Everything. I really do get inspiration everywhere I go. During my Charlotte marathon I went into the mall with some friends.. At the Gap I saw an image that really inspired me so I took a picture with my iphone. I incorporated that into a session the following day.

Who is the most important person in your life?

My husband Eric. He is amazing beyond belief. :-)

I know here in the UK some peoples initial reaction is that I am a glamour aka nude photographer, do you get a similar reaction and how do you deal with them?

Like I said earlier, I definitely get a raised eyebrow. I need to explain it to most people and also teach they how to say boudoir. Once I tell people to think of pin up work then they really start to understand it. I've never had a bad reaction from it and in most cases it really intrigues the person and they only want to know more!

If you could shoot with any other photographer in the world who would it be ?

I am picking two! Wedding wise it would be Angelica Glass. Seriously, that girl has style.

Boudoir wise it would be The Boudoir Divas hands down.

Do you provide any wardrobe for your clients? If so whats your favorite item ?

The only thing I provide is jewelery from the ever popular, Forever 21. I always find that, that is the one thing that most girls don't remember to bring. Also, it's always fun to accessorize. I hope in the future to add more accessories and probably a size range of red heels. You always feel sexy in red heels!

PC or Mac?

Funny thing is, I used to hate MAC's. Now I cannot go a day without.

When you’re not working as a photographer what do you enjoy doing?

Relaxing! I love spending time with my husband and our 2 dogs. I'm very laid back and quite the homebody. We just moved into our new home so I love laying outside on the patio and also decorating! I enjoy reading travel magazines and I am a huge HGTV addict! Oh, I also love sports, especially basketball!

Finally any advice you would give to budding boudoir photographers wanting to start out?

Be patient, practice and be committed to the journey you're about to embark on. When I first started, my business bloomed overnight and there was no looking back. Remember your clients are the reason you are here and in this business, it's all about client satisfaction.

You can see more of Leahs work by visiting her blog and website:

Leah thank you very much for taking the time out.

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