Saturday, 26 December 2009

2009 Show Reel

2009 showreel from Helen SH on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Merry Christmas

I hope you all almost have your shopping done, the shops are mad, theres more traffic and its generally more annoying to go into town but its christmas so just keep the thought that its nearly all done.

Just to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and prosperous 2010

See you in the new year.

Friday, 4 December 2009

long day

Have spent today adding the option to pay by credit and debit cards online. I hope this will give my customers more options on how to pay for their shoot and any products.

Also gearing up for 2010, our price change will occur on 5th January 2010 so if you wish to take advantage of our 2009 pricing and even book for next year you can before this date.

We are pretty happy with our current product range we have a new coffee table album which will be with us soon and a few other things in the pipeline but you will have to wait till next year for those, I wont make the keeping you in suspenders joke ... promise!

Lastly our referral scheme will be implemented in the new year, current customers have already had the information but we will be posting it on the blog in January.