Monday, 27 April 2009

Sherrelles Photo shoot 26/4

Yesterday we had a great fun shoot, Sali was the make up artist on this one, lot of fun and Sherrelle was great. No need for words here are some images from the day.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Boudoir photography studio

Well its completed, and we love it. my favourite wall is this jaquard inspired design, it just screams Boudoir in my opinion. Its taken a lot of work but now down to the fun bit, photography. Cant wait.......

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

April Update

I can't beleive its April already, March flew by and with only a couple of weeks left before the studio refurbishment needs to be ready i've been looking like casper the friendly ghost for the last week, covered in plaster.

New wallpaper, furnishings and furniture complimenting each other are still sat in bags ready to go in, cant wait for that bit
Although as DIY goes Im not too bad, Hubs has been helping and its been a lot of fun. Updating the accessories and adding some vintage glamour items is also top of the list.

Well its a quick post, signing off for now, but will update with images soon.

Hope you are all well

Friday, 3 April 2009

Brave Enough to Boudoir? New products

I am so excited to have a brand new product range , still keeping the colour scheme but adding a little more pep!

I will still offer the Boudoir album, boudoir black mount folder, and DVD, this will now be presented in a 5x5 boudoir black DVD case which holds one image and your disc. Also on offer is the 6x4 mini album or the dinky handbag sized clasp album , perfectly discreet to show all your friends.

Heres a sneak preview :

So.. Are you Brave enough to Boudoir?